Here are some Practice Problems regarding the Programming in C++

Please try yourself first then see the solution

If you want Solution of any Program you can comment in this post

  1. Program to Check whether the number is Even or Odd.
  2. Program to Check whether the character is Vowel or Consonant.
  3. Program to Find Largest number among five Numbers.
  4. Program to Find all roots of Quadratic Equation.
  5. Program to Find sum of Natural Numbers up to Entered Number.
  6. Program to Check Leap Year. 
  7. Program to Generate Multiplication Table.
  8. Program to Find LCM of two Numbers.
  9. Program to Find LCM of three Numbers.
  10. Program to Find GCD of two Numbers.
  11. Program to Find GCD of three Numbers.
  12. Program to Display Fibonacci Sequence up to Given Number.
  13. Program to Display first N Fibonacci Numbers
  14. Program to Find Fibonacci sequence between two numbers.
  15. Program to Check whether the Number is Prime.
  16. Program to Display Prime Numbers up to given Numbers.
  17. Program to Display first N Prime Numbers.
  18. Program to Display Prime numbers between two Numbers.
  19. Program to Reverse a Number.
  20. Program to calculate given power of given number.
  21. Program to Display Prime Factors of given number. 
  22. Program to Convert Decimal to Binary.
  23. Program to Convert Decimal to Octal.
  24. Program to Convert Binary to Octal.

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